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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Νέα Δημοσίευση: ''Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) in Greece; An assessment of geoportals for carrying out hydrological projects

Η εργασία με τίτλο: ''SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCUTRES (SDIs) IN GREECE; AN ASSESSMENT OF GEOPORTALS FOR CARRYING OUT HYDROLOGICAL PROJECTS'' δημοσιεύτηκε στο περιοδικό International Water Technology Journal

 Paparrizos S., Anastasiou Th., Maris F., Kitikidou K. and Potouridis S., 2014. Spatial data Infrastructures (SDIs) in Greece; An assessment of geoportals for carrying out hydrological projects, International Water Technology Journal 4(4), 222-232.

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 The role of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) plays a very important part in improving electronic governance in Greece. Following the INSPIRE Directive, the European Parliament and Council for the creation of infrastructure for geospatial data in the European community began making slow but steady progress in 2007 in Greece towards creating geoportals that will meet the needs of those interested in acquiring geospatial information and data. In the current paper, a reference to geoportals providing the necessary geodata is provided concerning the completion of hydrological projects in Greece. A brief description of the framework conditions in Europe on this subject and an assessment of Greek geoportals are presented following scrutiny and the use of available geospatial data. Additionally, some suggestions are given for future improvements aimed at further development. In short, the current work reveals the need for collaboration between the existing geoportal providers in the creation of a common bank consisting of geospatial data and geo-information, where all the necessary geo-spatial data can be uploaded, verified and made available to potential users. 

 Keywords: Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), Geographic Information (GI), Geoportal, Geodata, Hydrology, Greece

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